Asbestos Textured Coating / Asbestos In Artex

stipple effect asbestos textured coating

About Asbestos Textured Coating / Asbestos In Artex

Decorative textured coatings were widely used in the UK in the 1970s and 80s to produce patterned finishes on ceilings and walls including stipple (often referred to as ‘popcorn’), swirl and comb effects. Due to its popularity textured coating can be found in both commercial and domestic.

While use of asbestos in decorative coating was phased out in the mid 80’s any coating applied before 1999 should be assumed to contain asbestos until proven otherwise.

Textured coatings are often referred to using the brand name ‘Artex’ in the UK, however textured coating was produced by a variety of manufacturers (‘Wondertex’, ‘Suretex’, ‘Newtex’, ‘Pebblecoat’ and ‘Marblecoat’) throughout the 70’s and 80’s.

Asbestos In Textured Coating / Artex

Asbestos textured coatings usually contain a low quantity of asbestos between 1-2% averagely rising to as much as 4% in certain cases. Chrysotile asbestos was often added to the asbestos textured coating mix to help provide strength and fire resistance. 

Like most asbestos containing materials textured coatings are considered to not pose a threat to health if in good condition and left undisturbed. Often decorative coatings have a layer of paint that provides an additional layer of protection.

Asbestos textured coatings are considered to be a non-licensed product by the HSE. You do not need to employ a licensed contractor to carry out any removal, encapsulation or repair works on this asbestos containing material and these works do not require a 14 day notification from the Health & Safety Executive.

In certain circumstances controlled drilling can also be carried out following the correct methods and equipment as directed by the HSE asbestos essentials guide A46

Air monitoring is not required for non-licensed works however it is advisable once the works have been completed.

swirl effect asbestos textured coating

If you have this material in your residential or commercial property and are worried it might contain asbestos our sampling kits are a perfect way to safely sample the Artex for testing.